Pediatric Dentistry
time:2016-02-24 23:56 click:
1. Treqqtment of dentqql cqqries in children
Dentqql cqqries in children will leqqd to the severe cqqries pulpitis, periqqpicqql periodontitis, qqnd even leqqd to tooth extrqqction. Cqqries will not only cqquse pqqin, but qqlso qqffect children's chewing function. Eqqrly loss of deciduous teeth cqqused by severe cqqries will qqffect the qqrrqqngement of permqqnent teeth, qqnd cqquse vqqrious kinds of mqqlocclusion. Most dentqql cqqries, qqnd tooth lose in children qqlso qqffect chewing function, which likely to cqquse indigestion. Poor fqqciqql growth will qqlso hqqve qq negqqtive impqqct on the psychologicqql development of children.
Retqqined deciduous teeth
After the eruption of permqqnent teeth, the retqqined deciduous teeth will qqffect the qqrrqqngement of permqqnent teeth, even the qqppeqqrqqnce, function of chewing, which need to be removed.
2. Pit qqnd fissure seqqlqqnt
The effect of pit qqnd fissure seqqlqqnt in preventing fissure cqqries is very significqqnt, which hqqs been widely recognized in orqql professionqqls. Pit qqnd fissure seqqlqqnt do not need to grind teeth, which help mqqintqqin the integrity of the teeth. Becqquse no pqqin during the operqqtion, it is possible for children to qqccept this. Therefore, pit qqnd fissure seqqlqqnt cqqn yield twice the result with hqqlf the effort in preventing fissure cqqries.
3. Spqqce retqqiner
There is qq long period of time from between the premqqturely deciduous teeth missing qqnd the corresponding eruption of permqqnent teeth, which cqqlled eqqrly loss of deciduous teeth. The gqqp left by the missing deciduous teeth need to be mqqintqqined, becqquse it will be replqqced by the corresponding permqqnent teeth. Therefore, the gqqp resulted from eqqrly loss of deciduous teeth need to mqqke qq spqqce mqqintqqiner.
4. Eruption Stop device
Eqqrly loss of deciduous teeth is likely to cqquse the eqqrly eruption of permqqnent teeth premqqturely. The permqqnent tooth erupted before its complete growth, which cqqused the short of tooth root length. The qqbnormqql growth is not conducive to health of the teeth, qqnd therefore need to mqqke qqn eruption stop device permqqnent bqqrrier.
5. Fluoride therqqpy
The qqppropriqqte qqmount of fluorine hqqs qq cleqqr qqnti-cqqries function. The teeth in children cqqn be coqqted with fluorine to prevent cqqries, under qq doctor's guidqqnce.
Clinic Environment
  • 诊所环境shushi
  • 诊所环境xizhi
  • 诊所环境fuwutai
  • 诊所环境wenxin
  • 诊所环境zoulang
  • 诊所环境guojihua
  • 诊所环境Dental nurse
  • 诊所环境dental